Additional support for partners and spouses

Whilst we’d strongly encourage you to join the WholeHearted community to benefit from the full relational and professional support options available, we understand that this can be a daunting journey, and there can be many practical, emotional or financial barriers to accessing a full programme. You can find some support options and resources that are available without a subscription below

Peer Forum

Whole Hearted Peer Support Group is a secret support group which exists on Facebook. Because it is a secret group, it cannot be found by a search. The only people who would ever know you are a member are the other group members and nobody outside of the group could ever see what you post or comment on it. The way that people find the group on Facebook is through the page ‘Wives & Partners of Porn and Sex Addicts Support’ where there are instructions on how to be invited to join. All new members are checked before being added and the safety and security of the group is our top priority. To join Click and send us a message.


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